Friday, August 18, 2017

Flipping the Classroom

Lecture is limited to 1 hour. There is hardly time to discuss and convey more important concepts without students reading and studying before coming to the lecture hall. Pushing some reading materials to students as anchors will help them navigate and get to good topics and related topics to read and study before class. Students will feel more confident now that they have some knowledge about what will be taught. That way they are knowledgeable about what class teaching will be about and what they can ask and participate actively in class discussion. This is an essential part of learning. It moves away from the traditional classroom or lecture hall of quiet students. It moves the students into active participation mode as they are more prepared and know what the class lecture will entail, at least the gist, some insight or overview. They already know the basics, so lecture can focus on more real scenarios and what students will get to see in the real workplace. They will get to feel what real life situations are like and therefore appreciate lecture better. There are many technologies today which can be utilised toward Flipping the Classroom. Information Technology (IT), Internet access and coverage, smartphones, cloud storage and social media have all converged to make learning and Flipping the Classroom easier for both lecturers and students. It will be a matter of time before we will get to see better and faster gadgets and better use of all available technologies for a better learning experience.

Flipping the Classroom


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